As we approach the coldest time of the year, we give the lowdown on how to nourish your skin through the harsher winter months and beyond.

When the seasons change, so, too, does our skin. Now is the time to switch up your routine to ensure overall balance and good health of our body’s largest organ through the most challenging season of the year. Cold, dry, windy weather, coupled with temperature fluctuations, can drain the natural oils which lock moisture into skin leaving the outer epidermis sensitive and irritated. Sometimes even the dermatological condition ‘winter itch’ (pruritus hiemalis) can develop, leading to small cracks on the skin and even bleeding. Keeping our skin in peak condition should be as much of a priority as staying warm.

Here, we share some Scentiana solutions to ensure your skin – and you – stay radiant, healthy and supple this winter.


This may sound counterintuitive, but, in winter, hot showers and baths are not recommended because they can exacerbate transepidermal water loss. Dermatologists are unanimous here: showering in hot water during the winter months not only strips your skin of sebum, but can also damage the surface of the skin and cause eczema. In order to protect your natural skin moisture, take short showers (not more than five minutes long) or use lukewarm water.


The main mantra for winter skin care is: moisturise, moisturise, moisturise. However, it is exactly this time of year that your favourite body lotion may not provide sufficient protection against transepidermal moisture loss. Instead of creams, lotions and milks, our advice is that it’s better to switch to balms and oils. These help to retain precious lipids on the surface of the skin and ensure protection of the hydrolipidic mantle ensuring skin stays satisfyingly soft.
Pro Tip: After a bath or shower, apply body oil/balm to damp skin to seal in moisture and nourish it with beneficial phytonutrients.

Scentiana favourite: The Rescuing Balm


Removing dead skin cells is a top all year-round skincare tip. But because the skin is much drier during the winter months regular exfoliation becomes even more important. Using a scrub helps to remove dry, flaky skin and speeds up the cell renewal that promotes a radiant and youthful glow. It also allows your moisturiser to penetrate better and work more effectively at keeping the skin hydrated, balanced and comfortable.
Pro Tip: Apply your scrub on wet skin for a milder effect, or use on dry skin for stronger results.

Scentiana favourite: The Smoothing Scrub


As far back as 1899, Nikola Tesla (a Serbian-American inventor and engineer) talked about the vibrational theory of odours in an interview. He is quoted as saying “the beauty and the scent of roses can be used as a medicine...”. Today, science has proven that scents can indeed be classed as nootropics due to their ability to improve our mood, calm our nerves, promote concentration and help us overcome both stress and the winter blues.

Combining aromatherapy with self-massage should become an essential practice in your beauty routine throughout winter’s gloom. In their book Quench, Dana Cohen and Gina Bria share the latest research: massage helps hydration. As they say – “Hands-on massage pulses hydration through the fascia, as well as the blood and lymph system, so massage affects a number of systems at once”.
Start now, practice daily and remember that touch is the mother of all the senses.

Scentiana favourite: The Replenishing Cream


Winter is the time to gather in, restore, strengthen and fortify. A warm diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids – absorbed from fatty fish – will really help to nurture both the skin and brain in the colder months. Try to choose fish varieties that are low in mercury, such as salmon, sardines or mackerel, and eat them at least twice a week. If fish is not for you then choose terrestrial omega-3 sources such as flaxseeds, avocados and walnuts.

Read more: 5 nutrition tips to help you look and feel your best this autumn... and beyond


In the colder months, we can become more stagnant due to the lack of sunshine and as a result we often exercise less. But the biggest antidote for dull skin, lethargy, low winter moods and lack of energy is movement. A well maintained circulatory and lymphatic system reduces inflammation, increases cell turnover, ensures proper nutrient delivery and the removal of waste. Start small with at-home routines or a couple of yoga classes a week to increase your overall fitness. Walk more and opt for active leisure.


Of course, sleep is hugely beneficial for your skin and overall well-being so our advice is to use this darker, slower, Yin time of the year to catch up on your rest. When we live more in tune with nature’s rhythm, life starts to work for us, instead of against us. Nature already has our circadian rhythms taken care of. The only thing left for us to do is to not get in its way.
Pro Tip: Start your beauty routine as early as possible in the evening to maximize repair.

Winter can be challenging both physically and emotionally but perhaps it’s all about how we prepare and approach it? A healthy, nourishing skincare routine using high quality products alongside a supportive lifestyle can make a huge difference to how you look and, most importantly, how you feel about yourself on the inside.